Care and Rehabilitation
Kingsburg Center is a caring oasis in the heart of Kingsburg, CA. Our reputable facility boasts a dedicated team of compassionate healthcare professionals committed to providing unparalleled care to our residents. We blend the latest medical technology with personalized recovery plans, giving you the best of both worlds. A center where you can heal, rejuvenate, and get back on your feet, surrounded by people who genuinely care about your well-being. Kingsburg Center exemplifies where one starts the journey toward recovery with confidence and comfort.

We are rated 5-Stars for Quality Measures
Kingsburg Center embodies the commitment to superior care and patient welfare. CMS created the Five-Star Quality Rating System to help consumers, their families, and caregivers compare nursing homes more easily and to help identify areas about which you may want to ask questions. Our dedication to meeting and exceeding expectations, while adhering to regulations and ensuring a safe and comfortable environment, is solidified by our rating with Medicare.

Skilled Nursing
Our skilled nursing provides comprehensive medical and rehabilitative care. This involves monitoring and ensuring treatment plans and assistance with daily activities to enhance overall well-being and recovery.

Our rehabilitation team takes a comprehensive and tailored approach to help our residents regain strength, mobility, and independence after an illness, injury, or surgery, optimizing the recovery of each individual.
Work With Us
Explore exciting opportunities and be part of a team committed to helping and improving others’ lives through meaningful work!
Work With Us
Explore exciting opportunities and be part of a team committed to helping and improving others’ lives through meaningful work!